003 luis benitez


Episode 003

luis benitez

on finding another way when the answer is no, meeting people where they are, and prioritizing adherence

luis benitez - @whosrobp

listen to the episode

“There’s always something you can learn - even if you’ve learned it already, you can view it from a different perspective.”
— Luis Benitez

in this episode, we discuss:

  • Growing up in a low-income family in NYC

  • An inactive childhood with limited nutritional options

  • Being confronted with the reality of death from health issues as a teen

  • Focusing on performance

  • Fitness and athletics after being on a team in HS

  • Taking life lessons from weightlifting

  • Starting out at the front desk of a gym

  • Finding a weightlifting team

  • Overcoming adversity when denied something

  • Staying relatable to your clients

  • 3 things to look for in a successful program

  • The art of making change

  • Humanizing yourself to your clients

  • Contextualizing stress on the body from fitness + life

  • Being an instructor vs. a coach

  • Being dynamic for Mixed levels

  • How it’s not just about knowing the information

  • Utilizing the free initial assessments + comp sessions

  • Being mindful when absorbing fitness information

  • Spot reduction

  • Optimizing your time and activity

  • Maintaining a network to refer when someone needs something out of scope


about Luis:

Luis is a Personal Trainer and the Head of Semi-Private Training at Soho Strength Lab, an Olympic Lifting Coach for J2FIT at Reebok Crossfit Union Square, and Host of the Podcast Trainers Talk Training.

He specializes mainly in sprint performance and weightlifting.

His certifications include:

  • Running Mechanics Professional L1 + 2MED

  • EXOS Performance Specialist

  • USAW

  • Catalyst Athletics Certified Weightlifting Coach

  • FRC

Ways to work with Luis:

  • Personal + Semi-Private Training at SSL

  • Remote Training

  • Offsite Training

“Everybody looks at the end goal and you focus on that and you’re like ‘wow that’s good that looks really clean + polished’, but they don’t necessarily focus on all the work that led up to that. And it starts at the very, very basics.”
— Luis Benitez

luis benitez - @whosrobp


How Do You Stay Motivated?

I keep remembering my "why" - I look forward to the end goal and appreciate how far I've come. I also struggle with this which is why I hired a coach to write my training plans. I communicate with him whenever I feel I've lost my motivations and he helps me get through it. It's life changing to have someone in your corner.

If You Knew What You Know Now, What Would You Do Differently?

I wouldn't waste anytime doubting myself or planning things to death. I feel fitness is best at a learn as you go pace. People often spend too much time planning their approach and things will always come up. I approach my life this way, it keeps me dynamic and creative in my solutions. I'm not saying ditch a plan, you need a blueprint to start with, but then you have to implement it ASAP and work out the details as you go.

Interpersonally, the Most Challenging Thing for Me Is:

I like to simplify everything - the more streamlined the better. Some people think that things need to be super elaborate in order to bring value, I find the value lies in simplifying and the information out there into a language that anyone can understand.

What's Something People Tend to Misunderstand About You?

I ask a lot of questions, sometimes it can come off as me trying to assess how much you know, but in reality I'm just trying to understand your angle.

What Is Your Opinion on Having Aesthetic Goals as the MAIN Motivation for Working Out?

I think the more we can focus on performance goals the better off we are mentally. It also make the process less frustrating. Imagine watching a flower bloom, you look forward to the end goal but if you just focus on watering and getting the right amount of sunlight the process will go by more smoothly.


the big rocks

Luis curated these 5 exercises that cover major staples that should be in everyones training toolbox. Expect a blend of mobility, strength, and intensity.


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