Episodes 010 + 011
Claudia Germuga
on taking a longevity-based approach
listen to the episodeS
Listen to Ep. 010 on iTunes // Google Play // Spotify
Listen to Ep. 011 on iTunes // Google Play // Spotify
““There’s such a disconnect between what you should do and why you should do it.””
in episode 010, we discuss:
Viewing specific criticism or teasing as a personal signature
Experience as a dance major at NYU Tisch School of the Arts
Being “extra” in college
Getting used to the pace + energy of NYC, coming from a small town
Avoiding connection through being judgmental of herself + others
Dealing with anxiety in college
Gripping onto perfectionism with the free-reign given in college
The dream of being in a contemporary ballet company in Europe
Dealing with a serious injury without experiencing physical pain
Injury as the physical manifestation of emotional + spiritual traumas
Chinese Medicine taking a macro + holistic view of human health
The aging process
Getting your baseline health metrics in order
Cultivating intuition
Gut health + the microbiome
Links + NOtes from episodE 010:
Orthorexia — obsessive behavior in pursuit of a healthy diet
Holistic Nutrition Certification - Academy of Healing Nutrition
Nightshades - food that have been known to cause inflammation
Links + NOtes from episodE 011:
Mastermind Groups — see episode 012 (link soon!)
Kirat Randhawa - Meditation Instructor
in episode 011, we discuss:
Slowing down, having the luxury to take your time
Noticing where you’re feeling in fitness + in life
The stories our mind tells us about our body in moments of stress
Delaying your satisfaction (for just 1 rep)
The body as a tool for mental growth + expansion
Subconscious blocks on a view for what’s possible in the world
Getting strategic about how you spend time + energy
Recognizing + naming when you’re “wasting your time”
Having a “mirror” person to help you see your patterns
Giving feedback that allows the individual to come to the conclusion
Teaching + coaching to who’s in front of you; power of IRL connection
Presenting an accurate representation of self on social media
Putting out content that YOU enjoy instead of worrying about being “liked”
Understanding the process + familiarizing yourself with the cycle of change
The collective understanding of energetics through memes
Clearing out energy to tap into your home frequency
Learned experience in the body as the best way understand + know something
Focusing on yourself is not selfish
Working with modalities that bypass intellectualizing in order to heal
The body as so much stronger than the mind
about Claudia:
Claudia is an SLT instructor, conscious creative and transformational guide living in Williamsburg, BK whose work is rooted in her artistic and performance background.
Her experience includes:
BFA Dance; NYU Tisch School of the Arts
Holistic Health Coach; Academy Healing Nutrition
Megaformer Pilate; Lagree Method
Trampoline Rebounding classes
Breathwork Facilitator
She holds space and guides others to:
discover the magic and wisdom of their bodies
develop empowered + intuitive relationships with eating and exercise
feel more at home in their human experience
Ways to work with Claudia:
book a megaformer at SLT Williamsburg, Soho, or Tribeca
inquire about 1:1 breathwork sessions
join the list for first access to Nourish Your Radiance - an online offering opening December 2019
contact enchantedbysunlight@gmail.com for content creation or brand partnerships
mvmt sequence:
Movement is an opportunity to come home to our bodies, take inventory of our internal wellbeing, and recalibrate our attitude. Most of all movement should remind you that your body is a place for pleasure. Let intuition lead. I believe your movement practice should be an entire package, something for your body, your mind and soul. Tap into your power, create more space, and connect to your highest self. Get sweaty, feel cleansed, and feel ready to show up authentic and present for your day.
Claudia suggests doing all five movements for 3 min each, for a sweet 15 minute transformation. 90 seconds each side for split exercises.
Check out the playlist on Spotify as an easy timer/guide.
INVIGORATE | Single Leg Lunge Jump [R/L]
Start in a reverse lunge. Push off the back foot, driving the knee towards the chest. Explode upwards using your whole body to get as much height as possible. Land back in the same reverse lunge, thoughtfully. Keep spine tall and the core engaged. This should be challenging. The goal is to reach your edge quickly. Take rest as needed.
CENTER | Four-pointed Bear Shoulder Tap to Plank
Allow the rigor and stability needed for this sequence to bring you into the present moment. Find a quadruped, table top position (bear plank). Plant palms, tuck toes and push away from the earth. Hover knees 1in off the ground. Long, flat spine; navel pulled in and up. Puff up the low back to be sure you are not sagging into it. Right hand taps left shoulder. Left hand taps right shoulder. Right hand taps left thigh. Left hand taps right thigh. Buoyantly hop feet back to full plank. Hop back to bear plank. Repeat. Quads will burn. Rest knees down when necessary. Modification: replace hop to plank with two steps back.
ELONGATE | Undulating Low Lunge to Pyramid [R/L]
Lubricate and nourish the fascia of your body. Find a low lunge, aligning the front knee over ankle; back toes tucked under. Tented finger tips frame the front foot. From here, pull hips upwards and backwards, melt your spine towards your front shin as the font leg elongates. The head should be the last part of your spine to fold forward. Feel the stretch behind the front leg, keeping the back heel as lifted as necessary. Keeping your chest glued to your thigh, bend front leg, flow back to low lunge, rippling out through the spine like a wave. If it feels good, drop back knee, untuck back toes and allow the head and chest to complete the ripple by arcing into a small backbend; look up. Keep flowing, undulating back and forth between the two positions until it feels like the stickiness or rigidity has been worked out. Linger in either position if you feel called to, and move at your own pace.
UNWIND | Eagle Shoulder Flossing [R/L]
Find an easy seat on the heels (stimulating for digestion) or cross-legged. Reach one arm straight forward at shoulder level. Swing the other arm underneath, bringing the backs of hands to touch. If possible curl the underneath arm’s fingertip around to touch the other palm - locking the intertwine. It might feel good to shake the head no a couple times here. Reach fingertips up to the sky, then pull the elbows down into the chest. Feel the space between your shoulder blades starting to get teased apart. From here, heavy the head rounding your spine forward and down towards the floor. Roll back up through your spine and repeat this tracking of the arms until the pathway feels smooth and unblocked. Move at your own pace.
REPLENISH | Left Nostril Breathing 3 minutes
Find a comfortable cross-legged seat or come to lie down on your back. Block the right nostril off with your right thumb. Take deep breaths in and out through the left nostril only. Our left side of the body is our receptive, emotional, feminine side. This breath is ideal to cool the body, and brings relaxation and calm. Fully surrender and let the breath do its work on you. Listen for any insight, urges, or ideas that are delivered in this sacred rest. Stay longer if called.